Market uptake of sustainable aviation fuels

Publiceringsdatum: 10 januari 2022 | Språk: DE

Against the backdrop of the Paris Climate Agreement and the goal of climate neutrality for the EU by 2050, a debate has begun in aviation as to what contribution air transport can make to meeting climate targets. Substituting sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) for kerosene could provide an answer to the challenges of climate change. The study commissioned by the Centre of Competence for Climate, Environment and Noise Protection in Aviation (CENA) addressed the question of how the introduction of SAF can be designed, such that that a substitution of current fossil fuel use with sustainable kerosene becomes possible. Technopolis Group (TG) analysed different scenarios for the development of kerosene and SAF prices under different regulatory regimes (EU ETS vs. CORSIA), as well as the implications for the price elasticity of demand, considering the additional costs of SAFs. TG and their partner Schalast Law|Tax also developed a solution for a fund model to support the market introduction of SAF.