Evaluation of the “Middle East and North Africa Scholarship programme“
Erscheinungsdatum: 12 Mai 2019 | Sprache der Studie: EN
The MSP was an initiative of the Netherlands ministry of Foreign Affairs. By granting scholarships, the MSP aimed to contribute to a sustainable transition in the Arab region through capacity building of mid-career professionals who are employed in governmental organisations, knowledge institutions, NGOs or the private sector in selected countries in the MENA-region (Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Iran (since November 2017), Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Syria and Tunisia.). In addition, the programme was intended as an instrument for public diplomacy, to be used by Netherlands’ embassies in their respective MENA countries to strengthen Dutch relations with these countries. The MSP offered two kinds of training modalities: [1] short courses in the Netherlands and [2] Tailor-Made-Trainings (TMTs). Since 2016, the MSP was financed through the Shiraka programme, a Dutch bilateral effort that supports sustainable transition in the MENA region.