Evaluation of the Dutch National Research Institutes for Applied Technologies (TO2)
Erscheinungsdatum: 4 Mai 2021 | Sprache der Studie: NL
In the Netherlands there are 5 institutes for applied scientific and/or technical research that are financed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs:
- TNO (applied natural science research),
- Wageningen Research (agriculture and food),
- NLR (Aerospace),
- Marin (maritime technology) and
- Deltares (Delta technology, mainly water related civil engineering).
These 5 institutes and the structure they are operating under are evaluated by a high level evaluation committee. Technopolis and Dialogic have supported the evaluation committee. SEO has performed econometric analysis.
The following elements were evaluated: the quality of research (mainly from a user perspective), impact of research and vitality of the research organisations. The evaluations were based on self assessments of the institutes, impact studies by all institutes at research department level involving customers and experts and visits to the institutes by 5 sub-evaluation committees.
Read the sub-evaluation for TNO, Wageningen, NLR, Marin and Deltares.