Assessment of the demand for a federal web-based Open Innovation platform for SMEs, public research organisations and universities as well as independent inventors in Germany
Erscheinungsdatum: 14 März 2016 | Sprache der Studie: DE
Open Innovation (OI) is a new paradigm for collaborative innovation projects. With the advent of advanced internet technologies there are novel technological opportunities to create web-based platforms that facilitate such collaboration – e.g., crowd-sourcing platforms, ideation platforms or platforms that help find partners for the commercialisation of IP. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) asked Technopolis whether there would be demand for a federal, state-operated, web-based German OI-platform that would link SMEs, universities and public research organisations as well as independent inventors for the purpose of performing open innovation. Technopolis Group used desk research, qualitative interviews and focus groups in this study. The results were mixed, given that there is already a developing market of private OI-platforms. If the idea of an OI-platform is to be pursued, the study revealed the most promising course of action was in the creation of a meta-platform that would also draw on services of private OI-platform operators. The study is available in German, with an English executive summary.