Study on sustainable and resilient supply of medical radioisotopes in the EU

Erscheinungsdatum: 18 Oktober 2021 | Sprache der Studie: EN

Nuclear medicine is an innovative and growing field in medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases including cancer. One of the European Commission’s main priorities is to improve the prevention, treatment and care for cancer as set out in Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. Actions within this plan concern initiatives to improve access to innovative cancer diagnoses and treatments as provided by nuclear medicine. Medical radioisotopes are essential for the provision of these diagnoses and treatments. To ensure and improve the prevention and treatment of cancer in Europe it is therefore essential to have a sustainable and resilient supply of medical radioisotopes in the EU.

The JRC asked Technopolis Group to study the supply, use and demand of therapeutic radioisotopes in the EU. Radioisotope use for therapy is currently small compared to the use for diagnosis, therefore little insights were available on the market for therapeutic radionuclides. It is however a market that is growing fast with many innovations in the past few years, in a field that is promising for the treatment of cancer and other diseases. Our study has contributed to improved insights for policymakers on the potential and concerns of this market for the EU.

Some key conclusions of our study are:

Some key recommendations of our study are:

Read our full report for all our findings, conclusions and recommendations and to get a deep understanding of the use, demand and supply of medical radioisotopes in the EU.