Meta-evaluation of the second round of strategic innovation programmes after six years
Erscheinungsdatum: 16 Dezember 2020 | Sprache der Studie: SV
The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova), the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (Formas) and the Swedish Energy Agency assigned Faugert & Co Utvärdering/Technopolis Sweden in collaboration with Technopolis Ltd and Sweco Society to evaluate the first round of strategic innovation programmes (SIPs), which at the beginning of the assignment had been operational for six years. The purpose of the evaluations was to identify results and early impacts as foundation for the agencies’ decisions on continued funding, and to support the agencies and the programme offices in order for the programmes to learn and develop as well as possible. Data collection consisted of document studies, self-evaluations, registry analyses, funding analyses, social network analyses, bibliometric analyses, in-depth interviews, web surveys, expert assessments, as well as presentations of observations, preliminary conclusions and preliminary recommendations.
The purpose of this meta-evaluation is to summarise the types of results and impacts that the six programmes have generated and are expected to generate, as well as to summarise experiences of their implementation as foundation for continued development of the SIP instrument. The six evaluations and this meta-evaluation were conducted between January and December 2020.