In the evaluation of the French 5% initiative, Technopolis Group combined its long-standing experience with policy evaluation with its expertise in health and international development.

As the second greatest contributor to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, France has dedicated 5 % (ie. €18m per year) of its contribution to providing technical assistance to countries eligible for the Global Fund over the period 2011-2016 to support their access to and the implementation of the Global Fund grants.

Technopolis France, on behalf the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, carried out the 2018 strategic evaluation of the 5 % Initiative, working closely together with Expertise France, the 5 % implementing agency, the Global Fund teams, the French Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Research, Members of Parliament, and the civil society (NGOs). This evaluation had two objectives: providing evidence-based on the relevance of the Initiative, its coherence with the own programmes of the Global Fund in the Countries, and on the outcomes and impacts of the technical assistance missions and projects funded by the 5 % Initiative delivering strategic orientations to the Ministry (and the stakeholders) regarding the future of the Initiative, that has been increased up to 7 % over the period 2017-2019 (ie. €25m per year). The evaluation emphasizes the relevance of the Initiative with the current needs of the eligible Countries and its coherence with the Global Fund.

It also notes positive signals regarding the outcomes and impacts of the intervention on the health system in the Countries. However, it also identifies some weakness regarding the efficiency of the management of the Initiative.

Discover the full report (in French).

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