Oscar Corzo
Associate Consultant
Offices: Kolumbien
Email: oscar.corzo@technopolis-group.com
Oscar is an Associate Consultant at Technopolis Group with over ten years of experience in entrepreneurship, innovation, and regional development. His background focuses on generating knowledge about systemic conditions for the creation and growth of innovative firms and the quantitative and qualitative effectiveness of support programs for entrepreneurs and SMEs. In Colombia, he has worked for public organizations in the fields of productive development policies and monitoring and evaluation. Also, he was a professor and consultant of a competitiveness centre at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
He has a broad knowledge of quantitative evaluation methodologies and qualitative research methods (interviews, focus groups, and case studies). He advised the formalization and reinforcement of monitoring and evaluation strategy and supported outcomes and impact measures in the Colombian entrepreneurship and innovation agency (iNNpulsa Colombia). Previously, Oscar participated in social and environmental program assessment at the Directorate of Public Policy Evaluation (National Planning Department). Furthermore, he contributed to the randomized controlled trial evaluation of sustainable agroecological practices implementation in palm growing regions (Biodiversity Conservation Project Fedepalma, WWF, IDB-GEF) and the identification of the economic contribution of festivals and business roundtables supported by the Ministry of Culture.
Also, Oscar has experience building and executing public-private partnerships and improving sectoral/regional performance. He worked in the strengthening, promotion, and innovation division at the Productive Transformation Program (a Colombian initiative to promote productivity improvements through public-private sectoral plans), and he led a road map related to strengthened local stakeholder capabilities at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Oscar conducted a project to reinforce strategic, articulation, and management capacity at the Regional Commission of Competitiveness and Innovation, and he coordinated the design of a study trip to Basque Country with policymakers to promote cross-fertilization knowledge transfer around Smart Specialization Strategies.
He has an MSc in Science and Technology Policy (Distinction) from SPRU-University of Sussex (United Kingdom), where he focused on quantitative methods and the analysis of cooperation between SMEs, universities, and Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) in Latin America. Also, he has an MSc in Economics from Universidad de los Andes and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Universidad Industrial de Santander. He is fluent in Spanish (native) and English.