Catharina Palm

Senior Consultant

Standort: Schweden

Catharina Palm works as a Consultant at Technopolis Group’s subsidiary in Sweden, where she has previous experience working as an intern. During her time as an intern and then as an analyst, Catharina has developed expertise within a broad range of policy fields including research and innovation, local and regional development, integration and social inclusion, business development and labour market issues. As an extension of this, she has successfully applied several research methods such as interviews, desk research, and case studies.

Recently Catharina has contributed to several studies and evaluations on International, European and Swedish R&D and innovation support programmes. She is involved in the evaluation of two of the Swedish strategic innovation programmes commisioned by the Swedish innovation agency Vinnova, the Swedish energy agency, and the Swedish research council Formas. She has also participated in the midterm evaluation of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World’s (OWSD) activities supporting women scientists in the developing world.

Prior to joining Technopolis Group, Catharina worked for the Swedish Migration Agency as a case officer at the asylum procedures unit. During this time, she investigated and assessed applications for asylum and residence permits in accordance with the UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, Swedish legislation and EU regulations. Catharina has also worked as a social worker investigating and assessing applications for social benefits and collaborating with other public agencies in providing support measures to combat social issues like unemployment, addicition, and mental illness.

Catharina obtained her bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Gender Studier from Stockholm University, in Sweden. Additionally, Catharina is currently in the process of obtaining a master’s degree in Political Science from Stockholm University. She is fluent in English and Swedish, and has a good understanding of Norwegian.

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