Alexandre Lotito
Senior Consultant
Offices: Belgien - Politikberatung
Email: alexandre.lotito@technopolis-group.com
Alexandre Lotito is a senior consultant for the Brussels office of Technopolis Group. Specialised in the analysis and evaluation of public policies, Alexandre participates in the development and implementation of methodologies and techniques at the core of the group project thematic areas. He is familiar with a range of data collection tools (stakeholder consultations including interviews and online surveys, literature review) and analytical methods (logical framework analysis, case studies, network analysis, portfolio analysis). He has developed a good knowledge of European and international research programmes, notably through his involvement in the impact assessment of European institutionalised partnerships under Horizon Europe for DG RTD, the mid-term evaluation of the Cypriot Research and Innovation Programme RESTART 2016-2020 and the analysis of the country’s participation in Horizon 2020 or the evaluation of the contribution of the thematic axis 2 “Innovation 2020” to the objective of the ERDF operational programme in Wallonia.
Until recently, he also supported the Basque Innovation Agency (Innobasque) in monitoring the latest trends in European and international R&I policies. Alexandre is currently involved in a study for DG RTD focused on the characterisation of knowledge ecosystems in the new ERA. He is also involved in the Policy Support Facility under the ACP secretariat (DG INTPA).
Alexandre holds a master’s degree in Public Policy from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Lyon (Sciences Po Lyon) with a specialisation in monitoring and evaluation. He previously obtained a master’s degree in International Relations, Security and Defence from the Université Jean Moulin – Lyon III. He holds also a bachelor’s degree in Political Sciences from the Université Lumière – Lyon II. He works in French and English and has a good knowledge of Italian.