Cristina Wallez Cuevas
Principal Consultant
Offices: France
Cristina has been a consultant with Technopolis Group since 2021. She contributes to evaluations and studies in the fields of public policies, territorial development, financial instruments, European funding and development aid. She also participates in the management of the framework contracts of the European Investment Bank.
Cristina is an urban planner with 20 years of experience in the public sector. She first worked in the management of operational urban planning projects, on different aspects of the sustainable city (urban mobility, renewal of dense neighbourhoods, integrated urban development). At the same time, Cristina specialized in the issue of European financing and worked for 6 years at the European Investment Bank. There she became an expert in ERDF financial instruments. Drawing on this experience, she advised the managing authorities for 5 years on behalf of the French State (Prime Minister / Ministry of Territorial Cohesion), especially on Financial Instruments implementation for SMEs or energy efficiency in housing, the creation of partnerships with private shareholders and ensured national monitoring of the implementation of these instruments throughout the 2014-2020 programming period.
Cristina holds a specialized master’s degree in urban project management from the Ecole nationale des Ponts et chaussées. She works in French and English and speaks fluent Spanish.