Dominik Obeth


Escritórios: Germany

Dominik Obeth works as a public policy analyst at the Technopolis office in Berlin and is currently involved in several evaluations for national public bodies such as Federal Ministry of Eduction and Research (BMBF). He has experience in various qualitative and quantitative research methods, including interviews, desk research and statistical analysis and posses some knowledge in the application of machine learning methods.

Prior to joining Technopolis Group, Dominik worked for the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) where he contributed to developing a Circular Economy (CE) Roadmap for Germany on behalf of the BMBF and worked on differnt reports on various relevant CE topics. Furthermore, he worked in a foundation and in a PR agency in the field of finance communications.

Dominik holds a Bachelor’s in European Studies from the Universtiy of Passau and obtained a Master’s degree in Politics & Technology from the Technical University of Munich. During his Bachelor’s degree, he spent two semester abroad at the University of Granada. Dominik is a German native speaker, is fluent in English and Spanish and has some knowledge in French and Portuguese.

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