Flore Vaucelle
Chief of Operations
Oficina: Francia
Correo electrónico: flore.vaucelle@technopolis-group.com
Flore started working with Technopolis Group in November 2008 as a consultant. Since January 2012, she is the Paris’ office manager. Until December 2011, she worked for the Brussels office as a consultant and operations manager, in liaison with the Group General Manager. Flore is involved in a number of studies and reports on regional research and innovation policies in the Walloon region (BE) and France.
For 3 years, she has filled the role of the Network Manager of the ERAWATCH Network ASBL (hosted by Technopolis in Brussels) overseeing the day-to-day operations of all projects, co-ordinating membership relations and controlling the financial and contractual management of the framework contract between the EWN ASBL and the European Commission (DG JRC-IPTS).
Before joining Technopolis, she had worked for three years in a Brussels-based communications’ consultancy as a project manager. She was notably in charge of framework contracts with DG Research, DG Education and Culture and DG Development. She was the company’s quality manager, in charge of preparing for and maintaining the ISO 9001 certification. A graduate in European contemporary history (University Paris IV-Sorbonne, as well as an Erasmus year at University College London) and then in political and public communications in France and Europe (University Paris XII), her first professional activities included an internship at the European Commission, in the unit in charge of the Eurobarometer opinion surveys.
A native French speaker, Flore is also fluent in English and Italian and has a good grasp of Spanish.