Anne-Gaëlle Muths
Principal Consultant
Oficina: Francia
Correo electrónico: anne-gaelle.muths@technopolis-group.com
Anne-Gaëlle joined Technopolis as a principal consultant in 2010. For the last 10 years she has been providing policy advice, evaluation and research services to the public sector, in particular in the areas of international cooperation and European policies. She recently led for instance the evaluation of the Humanitarian Emergency Funds of the French Foreign Affairs and the evaluation of the French contribution to crisis and post crisis multi-donors trust-funds. At the French and European levels, she frequently works on studies and evaluation regarding regional cooperation/integration and economic development, higher education, research and innovation.
Her skillset covers both quantitative and qualitative analysis tools and methodologies (incl. descriptive statistics, survey design, case studies), evaluation methodologies (i.e. logical framework approach, theory of change), policy design and recommendations, policy cycle analysis, and project management). Her experience includes assignments for local, national, European and international clients both in Europe and abroad.
Anne-Gaëlle works in French and English.
Anne-Gaëlle graduated from Strasbourg (Institute for Political Sciences), from Bergen/Norway (Social Sciences and Law faculty) and Lille (International programme management). Before joining Technopolis, she worked for the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs in the embassies in Bangladesh, Haiti and Comoros. As a development programme manager, she was in charge of actions regarding education and higher education, local and social development, governance and culture. Thus, she knows perfectly well social and economic policies in developing countries, as strategies and tools of multi- and bilateral cooperation agencies. Anne-Gaëlle worked as well for OECD/Paris21 (study on capacity building on statistics in developing countries), for the Regional Council of Ile-de-France (cultural affairs), for the health and social welfare administration (elderly people) and for the international affairs office at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris).