Technopolis Group Brussels (TGB) received the final report on the “” in which the reviewers remarked that the project “has not only achieved and surpassed all KPIs and objectives, but also flexibly reacted to new demands and embraced new objectives and goals.” Via the management of this project, TGB took part in the foundation of the EOSC Association and became one of the key contributors to the infrastructural establishment of the European Research Area. 

Description of the project: 

The mission and vision behind the EOSC is to enhance innovation capacity, create new market opportunities, strengthen competitiveness and growth of companies, address issues related to climate change or the environment, address industrial and/or societal needs at regional level and bring other important benefits for society, such as access to knowledge.  

For the implementation of EOSC, the project started and had run from 2019-2021 and supported the Interim Governance of the European Open Science Cloud. The project supported the EOSC Executive Board and its Working Groups (WG) to pave the way forward for the now ongoing implementation phase of the EOSC and the establishment of the EOSC Partnership. As a result, EOSC Secretariat can now deliver 360° support to the EOSC Governance while working openly and inclusively with communities to co-create an all-encompassing European Open Science Cloud.  

EOSC Secretariat also established the COVID-19 rapid response funds. This activity directly tackled the societal needs at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic and through co-funding 50 activities aiming at tackling this issue. The COVID-19 data portal and the publicity around it are a demonstration of the direct impact the project has made to address the specific and also unpredicted societal needs.  

The project has proven to stimulate engagement with stakeholders through its dissemination actions and co-creation initiatives. The project has successfully delivered long term sustainability plans through a dedicated market analysis.  

The report highlighted the resilience and flexibility via good management of the project and considered the positive impact as “exceptional” as “through its activities and actions, it directly helped create the EOSC Association with a bursting number of member organisations.” 

Involved colleagues and their roles:  

Members of the consortium: 

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