Evaluation of Pertinence and Impact of Research Infrastructure Activity in FP7 – EPIRIA

Date de publication : 15 août 2014 | langue de rapport : EN

This study analysed the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of the Research Infrastructures (RI) component of the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), assessed its European Added Value, and suggested options for future Community RI actions.

The FP7 RI programme has made a significant step forward in the efficiency and effectiveness of its support to the European research infrastructure compared to the programme in FP6. The more coordinated approach to the funding of existing and new distributed research infrastructures or networks of research infrastructures in Europe, based on the ESFRI roadmap, constituted an important facilitator for this highly positive evolution. Crucial for the creation of the globally connected European Research Area in Research Infrastructure was also the shift in focus towards the delivery of user-tailored e-infrastructure services and the development of a multi-layer e-Infrastructure ecosystem and the Programme has brought e-Science in the European research system, creating a platform for research enhancement and allowing researchers and engineers to stay at the forefront of the state-of-the-art.

There is room for improvement. The most important needs are

Our recommendations were: