Alexandre Almeida

Managing Partner

Offices: Portugal

Alexandre Almeida was born in Aveiro, Portugal, in 1981. He holds a Master’s degree in Economics and a PhD in Innovation Economics. He also completed a programme at Aalto University in Design Thinking and is about to begin his postdoctoral research at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Brazil) on innovation policy transmission mechanisms.

From 2007 to 2009, he served as Deputy Coordinator of a research team at the University of Porto, responsible for designing the Innovation Action Plan, the Industrial Areas Action Plan, and the Fashion Industries Action Plan for the Norte region.

Between 2009 and 2012, Alexandre worked for the management authority of the Norte region’s Operational Programme 2007-2013 as Head Advisor to the Executive Committee on innovation and competitiveness policies. During this time, he led the evaluation teams for the Norte OP in the areas of S&T policies, SMEs, and energy.

From 2013 to 2015, Alexandre served as Head Advisor for CCDR-N, where he was responsible for the Smart Specialisation Strategy and the cross-border Smart Specialisation Strategy for Norte-Galiza. Additionally, he oversaw the design of the competitiveness axis of the Operational Programme for the period 2014-2020. During this period, he was also the rapporteur for the Smart Specialisation Strategy of Alentejo (CCDR-A) and acted as an external expert for the Smart Specialisation Strategy of Algarve (CCDR-Alg).

From 2016 to 2023, Alexandre worked for the National Innovation Agency, coordinating the National Smart Specialisation Strategy, the IPCEI, and European projects on financial instruments. He was also responsible for policy recommendations concerning financial schemes to support SMEs.
More recently, he has served as an expert in evaluating national and regional innovation systems in Argentina and Chile. In the past, Alexandre has advised the executive boards of general hospitals (Gaia, São João, and Guimarães) and worked in the cosmetics and medical devices industry.

Alexandre Almeida's article(s)

Alexandre Almeida's report(s)