How can GovTech help modernise the public sector?

Fecha de publicación: 21 junio 2022 | Idioma del informe EN

On behalf of the European Parliament, Technopolis, together with TNO and GNKS, investigated possibilities for developing an EU GovTech Platform and the further development of the European GovTech market, including engagement with citizens and businesses. 

This research paper was commissioned to consider «GovTech and other innovations in public

The paper examines:

The use of GovTech is connected with three strategic EU objectives. These objectives provide the backdrop to this paper. The first is a renewed focus on digital transformation of public services. A second objective concerns the opportunity to develop the market in GovTech, with a strong focus on SMEs. A third objective concerns a desire for broader citizen engagement.

Read the full report by clicking the image in the top right corner.