Interim evaluation of the Rational Pharmacotherapy (GGG-) Programme
Erscheinungsdatum: 22 Dezember 2017 | Sprache der Studie: EN
In the quest to improve healthcare, new and innovative medicines garner a lot of attention, but making better use of existing medicines is just as important. This can, for instance, mean understanding better which patients benefit from a particular treatment or tackling problems with adherence to medication. This field is known as rational pharmacotherapy.
In 2010, the Netherlands based Organisation for Health Research (ZonMw) prepared a report for the ministry of VWS on identified knowledge gaps in the field of rational pharmacotherapy. In response, the ministry commissioned ZonMw to set up the Rational Pharmacotherapy programme, known in Dutch as the programme ‘Goed Gebruik Geneesmiddelen (GGG)’. The programme was launched in 2012 to better understand and promote rational pharmacotherapy in practice. Up to May 2017, the programme has allocated €45.5m.
In 2017, five years after the launch of the programme, ZonMw commissioned the Technopolis Group to conduct an external interim evaluation, covering 2012 until mid-2017. The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the GGG-programme. The evaluation drew upon primary and secondary programme level data, (group) interviews, a survey among project leaders, and a review of selected projects. An independent committee of experts supported the evaluation process by interpreting and contextualising findings and by formulating conclusions and recommendations. The evaluation is presented in this underlying report by Technopolis Group