Kincsö Izsak


Standort: Belgien - Politikberatung

Kincsö is specialised in innovation and industrial policies. She has 12 years of experience in managing policy related projects and studies at the European level working together with the European Commission DG GROW, DG RTD, DG Regio and with national/regional authorities, universities and other institutions.

At Technopolis Group she has worked on a number of key European monitors and observatories such as the European Cluster Observatory (deputy project director), Regional Ecosystem Scoreboard (leading co-author), Digital Cities Challenge (work package coordinator), Regional Innovation Monitor, Erawatch and INNO Policy TrendChart (coordinator between 2011-2013). Currently she is focusing on innovation policy, industrial and digital transformation related projects. She has been coordinating the self-assessment and KPIs related work of the Digital Cities Challenge initiative of the European Commission DG GROW and has been leading the quantitative analysis of a study on the potential of servitisation for SMEs. She has been the deputy project leader of the European Cluster Observatory initiative and led the Future of Manufacturing in Europe – regional industrial policy capacity project, implemented for the European Commission DG Growth and Eurofound respectively. Kincsö has co-authored several reports related to using big data to inform policy such as using a unique database of innovation policy budgets to analyse innovation investments or applying webscraping to company websites in order to research the behaviors of firms. She has been the main author of several reports and studies such as the ‘Regional Ecosystem Scoreboard’, the ‘Lessons from the model demonstrator regions – service innovation in Europe’, ‘Lessons from a decade of innovation policy’, ‘Catalysing Innovation in the Knowledge Triangle: Practices from the EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities’ or ‘Impact of the crisis on research and innovation policies’.

Previously, Kincsö worked for three years as a policy officer at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry in the Unit ‘Support for Industrial Innovation’, where she was responsible for EU initiatives in the field of cluster and innovation policies. Prior to that, Kincsö was a manager of international affairs and later on the Brussels representative of the Eszak-Alfold region at the Eszak-alfold Regional Development Agency in Hungary. She gained a diploma as a certified economist, has a master’s degree in international business. A native Hungarian speaker, Kincsö is fluent in English and French and speaks German and Spanish.

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