Ieva Stanislovaityte

Senior Consultant

Offices: Belgien - Politikberatung

Ieva Stanislovaitytė is a Senior Consultant at the Brussels office of Technopolis Group, with expertise in green transition, circular economy, urban renewable energy, forestry, biodiversity conservation, marine sustainability, and regional and urban development. She has acquired this expertise through leading and contributing to projects for DG ENV, CINEA, EISMEA, DG RTD, DG REGIO, ESPON, as well as Horizon Europe projects targeting regional, local, public, and private stakeholders.

Her responsibilities have included project management, coordination of working groups, policy analysis, evaluation and monitoring, stakeholder engagement, secretariat support, desk research and the organisation of events aimed at knowledge development and dissemination.

Recent relevant projects she has been involved in or has coordinated include: The Mission Restore Our Ocean and Waters support platform (CINEA); The Studies to Support Communities of Actors to Achieve the EU Mission: Restore Our Ocean and Waters Objectives (CINEA); The Intelligent Cities Challenge (EISMEA/DG GROW); S3 CoP – Smart Specialisation Community of Practice (DG REGIO); Strengthening the Resilience of EU Border Regions: Mapping Risks & Crisis Management Tools and Identifying Gaps (DG REGIO); The Evaluation Study on the European Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation for Addressing Global Challenges and Industrial Competitiveness, with a Focus on the Green Transition (DG RTD); The Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform (DG ENV & CoR); The Horizon Europe project H4C ECoP – European Community of Practice for Hubs4Circularity.

Prior to joining Technopolis Group Ieva worked on EU Research & Innovation projects at the Brussels-based non-profit Prospex Institute, coordinating tasks such as end user engagement and social sustainability assessment of thermochemical energy storage technology within H2020 project RESTORE and policy engagement for forest-based policy pathways within Horizon Europe project ForestPaths. Prior to that Ieva was living and working in the UK, where she got to work on other EU funding and EU funded programmes within Cornwall AONB and later University Arts Plymouth.

Ieva holds a BA in International Relations and an MSc in Sustainable Development. She is fluent in Lithuanian (her mother tongue), English, Spanish, and Portuguese, and has a basic level of French and Italian.

Ieva Stanislovaityte's article(s)

Ieva Stanislovaityte's report(s)